Banjo #21043

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Curly walnut neck with bacote fretboard and peghead plate with special knot,  walnut rim with cherry rim cap.   Great looking and better sounding banjo.    

This Banjo was a custom build for an elderly man.  After less than 2 months from delivery, he experienced an accident and is unable to play banjo.  The banjo is back for sale as very slightly used.  

Curly walnut neck  with cherry stripe

Rennaissance head

Bacote  fretboard

Gotoh Brass Planetary Tuners - Black knobs

25.5 scale 

1.25 inch nut width

11-INCH - block walnut rim with Cherry rim cap

Walnut tone ring

Custom SBC Tension Hoop

Cherry Dowel Stick

Walnut Armrest 

PRICE  $1,080